Brilliant Ph.D.
Fast Movers Found
Stocks Analyzed
Success Stories
The markets being, at minimum, a 3-Dimensional phenomena, exactly like a large molecule rotating in space, with DNA coding sequences governing the entire process. Without understanding that the market is 3-D, governed by laws of harmonic composition and decomposition, all measurements taken on a 2-D chart become misleading.
Exact Time & Price targeting can be achieved. We have figured out a way to identify markets, individual equities, commodities, currencies, etc…. that are about to stage powerful directional moves of 50%+ within a compressed time window of 12 months or less. We call such opportunities “Fast Movers”.
Receive a detailed analysis, price/time targets and a trading plan for a chosen security. Receive ongoing support and guidance into projected Time/Price turning point (position entry/exit points). Further, receive ongoing limited support and positioning updates for the underlying security – position monitoring.
Unlike many in our industry, we get paid based on performance and being 90-100% accurate. And if we don’t perform, we believe we don’t deserve 1 penny of your money. Hence, if our forecast fails and/or our “Escrow Release Parameters” are not triggered, your entire position fee will be returned to you in full.
Check our list of upcoming fast movers and their availability. We often limit the number of spots per single available fast mover position to 10. Click Here
Review analytical summary for any and all available upcoming fast movers. Plus, our projected anticipated % Gain and associated Time frames.
Contribute our fee per selected position to an escrow account. You can select multiple positions. ALL Escrow Release benchmarks must be met for release.
Receive a detailed analysis, price/time targets and a trading plan for a chosen security. Receive ongoing support and guidance into our projected Time/Price turning point (position entry point).
Make money and receive ongoing limited support and positioning updates for the underlying security – position monitoring.
A) There is a direct hit on our original or adjusted time/price target. B) Our stop loss point is not triggered. C) A capital gain of at least 10% occurs on the underlying position.